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来源: //www.amishhacks.com日期:2024-06-08 发布人:创始人浏览次数: 0


1. Reasonably allocate space


Many people who customize copper doors believe that having money, being more expensive, and having a larger area is good for showcasing their status and identity. However, copper doors also have a certain proportion to our home space and require proportional design and size. Therefore, the larger the better, the more suitable it is.


2. Manufacturer


The selection of customized copper door manufacturers is very important, because different copper door manufacturers have different levels of customization due to factors such as technology, personnel, equipment, service, and management. Therefore, we need to compare with multiple manufacturers, measure the competitiveness of the enterprise from multiple aspects, and provide effective quality assurance for customizing more suitable copper doors.


3. Style



Because copper doors are custom-made products, they are tailored to the specific situation of the customer. So when choosing, attention should be paid to the color matching of the copper door, which should be consistent with the overall decoration style of the stone, ceramic tiles, and other materials around the door. At present, copper plates used for doorways and copper doors mainly include purple copper and brass. In addition, copper doors can also be paired with Roman heads and columns.


4. Material


There are two types of copper doors we refer to: genuine copper doors and imitation copper doors. Imitation copper doors are mainly made of stainless steel or zinc alloy, and then coated with copper powder on the surface; The real copper door is made of pure copper plate, with a steel frame inside. The price of copper doors with different materials also varies.


5. Determine style


When customizing copper doors, we need to consider our aesthetic needs and choose copper doors that are consistent with our decorative style to achieve harmonious and unified beauty. Therefore, before customization, we should browse through some journals or websites to choose our favorite copper doors, in order to better enhance the atmosphere of home decoration, improve the quality of life and taste.


6. Production process


The production process of copper doors is mainly reflected in the details. For example, the stitching of lines, the verticality and symmetry of decorative elements on the facade. Surface paint treatment, door lock and hinge treatment; The treatment of both ends of the door leaf, the thickness of the door leaf, and if there is a sky and earth lock, it also depends on the sky and earth lock.


7. Develop a reasonable budget


When customizing copper doors, a reasonable budget is crucial because copper door customization is not a small expense, with a cost of several thousand yuan per square meter. Therefore, when customizing, we need to have a reasonable budget and choose a more suitable consumption level based on our consumption level, so that such consumption will not affect our quality of life. Bringing greater pressure to our lives.

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