当前所在位置:首页>>常见问题如何比较好的修复铜门? 常见问题


来源: //www.amishhacks.com日期:2024-04-09 发布人:创始人浏览次数: 0


1. The surface coating is damaged. The material of imitation copper doors is usually coated with a layer of copper on the surface of other materials, so this layer of copper is very thin. If the coating is damaged, it cannot be repaired, after all, color treatment can only be carried out on the copper coating.



2. The surface coating has not been damaged. There is still a possibility of repair in this situation, as the coating itself is very thin, so the repair can only be 98.8%. Because there are only two types of repairs: if the damage is not obvious or severe, simply sand down the damaged area slightly with sandpaper, then color it with solution, wire drawing to achieve the effect, and spray paint the entire surface. During this process, attention should be paid to the protection of both sides. Another situation is that the whole surface should be re treated. First, the surface paint should be removed with loose perfume or paint remover, then the original color should be removed with a cleaning cloth (this process will cause great damage to the coating), and then the liquid medicine should be used to re paint, wire drawing should meet the required color, and then spray paint. The entire repair process must be careful and cautious to prevent rework or damage to other areas. So the repair of imitation copper doors is quite rare.

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