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来源: //www.amishhacks.com日期:2023-09-11 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
From 3000 BC to today, it has been thousands of years of development in the copper industry and art, gradually forming a unique Chinese culture that has deeply rooted in people's hearts. In the profound and subtle China, doors have become heavy and magnificent, emitting light in the ordinary.
铜门其实也雕刻着时代的印记,曾经在历史上占着主导地位,从遥远的商朝开始人们就创造了辉煌的的铜文化。在历史上有的“大禹铸九鼎”的记载, 铜赤金也,金之一品,宫门铜瑷,言将尊贵也。在人们心目中就是尊贵和权利的象征,作为神圣之物受到人们的敬仰。认为门窗行业对于也将成为关键,评价一栋建筑是不是,就要从其使用寿命,是不是能够限度的去节约资源,其中包括了、节地、节水、节材,对环境是否产生很大的影响,是不是为大家提供了使用空间,是自然和谐共处。
Copper doors actually bear the imprint of the times, once occupying a dominant position in history. Since the distant Shang Dynasty, people have created brilliant copper culture. In history, there is a famous record of the "Great Yu casting the Nine Cauldron", which is made of copper, red gold, and one of the gold products. The palace gate is made of copper, and the speech will be noble. In people's minds, it is a symbol of nobility and power, and is revered as a sacred object. Experts believe that the door and window industry will also become a key factor in energy conservation. To evaluate whether a building is energy-efficient, it is necessary to consider its service life, whether it can maximize resource conservation, including energy conservation, land conservation, water conservation, and material conservation. Whether it has a significant impact on the environment, whether it provides space for everyone to use, and whether it is a harmonious coexistence of nature.
Nowadays, architectural experts need to study various issues in their respective fields. As the peripheral structure of a building, the energy-saving performance of doors and windows directly affects the energy efficiency of the building. As an accessory, the quality of door and window hardware directly affects the energy-saving effect of doors and windows when providing supporting facilities. Therefore, copper doors and windows have played a great role in the field of building energy conservation.
但是在过去的几十年内,经常会出现门窗质量差异引起的事情。比如说城市小区的落地窗户已经爆裂成网状并向房间外倾斜,在窗户的中间部分形成了很大的动,只要有太大的动静就会落下很多碎片, 而楼下正是小区的主要通道,由此可见门窗行业质量才是关键。
However, in the past few decades, there have often been incidents caused by differences in the quality of doors and windows. For example, the floor to ceiling windows of the urban community have burst into a mesh and tilt outward, causing a lot of movement in the middle of the window. If there is too much movement, many pieces will fall. The downstairs is the main channel of the community, so the quality of the door and window industry is the key.
Some buildings have many functional requirements, such as structural form, spatial dimensions, and design style of building facades, which require attention to energy conservation. There are also many opening forms for doors and windows, including more than ten opening forms such as inner flush opening, outer flush opening, inner open upper suspension, and inner open lower suspension. The key is mainly in the hardware of various structural doors and windows.
The flexibility and difficulty of opening and closing copper doors in construction mainly depend on the structural design, material selection, processing and manufacturing, assembly process, and assembly quality of the door and window hardware. So it is recommended that everyone pay attention to product quality when purchasing copper doors. Copper doors welcome your arrival. The copper door industry is now influenced by many external factors, among which the regulatory relationship of real estate is greatly affected by a series of downstream related industries on the building materials industry. The impact of purchase restrictions is gradually emerging, and what is the impact on the production of the door and window industry
From a normal trajectory, price competition is actually a major factor in promoting the progress of doors and windows, as businesses increase their competitiveness while maintaining their own profits, which will increase their productivity and develop technology, and increase the management costs of enterprises.
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