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来源: //www.amishhacks.com日期:2023-08-17 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
所有的庭院别墅大门,它是不可能完全干燥,不可能逃脱法律的热胀冷缩,所以很有可能会改变形状,不同的是实庭院别墅大门变形系数的高密度小,甚肉眼看不见,但密度差门变形系数比较大的。通过手柄密实度的门也可以作为初步判断,感觉门的重量是肤浅的判断方法。在一般的实庭院别墅大门的重量大,变形系数小,如硬杂木或更 的实庭院别墅大门,当然变形系数很小,实庭院别墅大门,这个是非常高的。
All courtyard villa doors cannot be completely dry and cannot escape legal expansion and contraction, so they are likely to change shape. The difference is that the high density of the deformation coefficient of the real courtyard villa door is small, and even invisible to the naked eye, but the density difference in the door deformation coefficient is relatively large. The density of the door handle can also serve as a preliminary judgment, and feeling the weight of the door is the most superficial method of judgment. In general, the weight of a real courtyard villa gate is large and the deformation coefficient is small, such as hard mixed wood or more real courtyard villa gates. Of course, the deformation coefficient is very small, and the price of a real courtyard villa gate is very high.
Pay attention to the following points:
1. Hardware pendants: Hardware pendants should be complete, and should not be unable to be installed properly due to a lack of parts. Ensure the correctness and firmness of the installation position, and make the door flexible to use.
2. Sealing quality: When installing doors and windows in the house, for ventilation and brightness, we need to check that there are no obvious gaps between the fan and frame when purchasing. The sealing strip on the sealing surface should be in a compressed state.
3. Pressure strip: The pressure strip with sealing strip must be tightly attached to the glass, and there should be no obvious gap at the joint between the pressure strip and the profile. The joint gap should be less than or equal to 1mm.
4. Joint material: The joint material should be tightly connected to the window frame, and sealed with caulking paste without shaking. The screw spacing should be less than or equal to 600mm, and both ends of the reinforced steel lining should be firmly fixed with the opening.
5、开关部件:铝合金庭院大门门的开关关系到门是否牢固,以及使用寿命,要检查开关关闭的严密性,无论是平开、推拉或18luck网站 均应这样检查。
5. Switch components: The opening and closing of aluminum alloy courtyard doors are related to their firmness and service life. The tightness of the switch closure should be checked, whether it is a flat open, sliding or rotating door.
6. Connection between frame and wall: The door frame should be horizontal and vertical, with consistent height. The spacing between fixing pieces should be less than or equal to 600mm. The frame should be firmly connected to the wall, and the gaps should be filled with elastic materials. The surface should be sealed with caulking paste without cracks.
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