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来源: //www.amishhacks.com日期:2023-06-30 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
我们都知道,铜其实是一种很常见的金属,它的表面一般呈紫红色,使用它打造出来的金属制品其实是非常的精美的。同样,在我们的家庭装修当中,已经渐渐地出现了很多的铜制品了,其中为广泛常见的就是 山东铜门。一些人家在安装入户门的时候,都会选择铜门,但是铜门的保养却让很多的人头疼不已,那么铜门如何进行保养才会发亮?
We all know that copper is actually a very common metal, and its surface is generally purple red. The metal products made from it are actually very exquisite. Similarly, in our home decoration, many copper products have gradually emerged, among which the most common is Shandong copper doors. Some households choose copper doors when installing entrance doors, but the maintenance of copper doors is a headache for many people. So, how to maintain copper doors to make them shine?
1. Install screen windows
Owners can install a layer of screen windows on the surface of the door when installing it, which can reduce scratches on the copper door when it is hit by hard objects. However, when installing the copper door screen window, everyone should first cut the screen window to a size that matches the size of the copper door, and then add fixing strips on the four sides of the cut screen window. The main purpose is to avoid the occurrence of burrs on the edge of the screen window.
2. Cleaning
When using copper doors, owners must remember to regularly clean the surface of stains and dust. In fact, we can directly use a damp cloth to wipe the surface of the copper door. But for those stains that are difficult to remove, it is necessary to use a cleaning agent to remove them, and then rinse them off with water. In addition, owners should note that the cloth used must be clean, otherwise there may be discoloration and discoloration.
3. Waxing
In fact, during the process of using copper doors, we can wax them to ensure their smoothness. However, when waxing, everyone should remember to clean the dust on the copper door first, otherwise it will affect its waxing effect. When there is a phenomenon of paint peeling on your copper door, waxing can form a good protective barrier, is it the best of both worlds?
How does a copper door maintain its brightness? I believe everyone knows it! However, many people don't know how to deal with rusty copper doors? Please take a look at the following analysis:
1. Soaking method in boiling water
When your copper door rusts, you can put it in a basin and then pour in boiling water at a temperature of 80 ℃ to 90 ℃ until it can be submerged in the copper door. After 5 minutes, you can use a small brush to clean it and wait until it is completely dry. However, if your copper door is very rusty, you need to increase the temperature of the water until the rust completely falls off.
2. Dry brushing method
If the rust on your copper door is not severe, it is better not to use chemical methods to solve it. The general dry brushing method can solve the problem. The specific operation method is to prepare a large oil painting pen and cut the brown hair on the nose to about 0.5-0.7 centimeters from the base. Fix the rusty copper door securely, hold the base of the oil painting brush and brush evenly, but the force must be achieved, otherwise the effect will not be achieved.
一旦铜门生锈了,不但会影响到铜门的正常使用,而且它的外观也会变得特别的难看,没有了原本有的那种大气的感觉。所以说,铜门的保养对于业主们来说,其实是非常重要的一项工作,有什么疑难问题或者需求可以随时来我们网站 //www.amishhacks.com进行咨询了解!
Once the copper door rusts, not only will it affect its normal use, but its appearance will also become particularly unsightly, without the high-end and atmospheric feeling it originally had. So, the maintenance of copper doors is actually a very important task for homeowners. If you have any difficult problems or needs, please feel free to come to our website at any time // Conduct consultation to understand!
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