当前所在位置:首页>>常见问题铜门与氧气结合被氧化了? 常见问题


来源: //www.amishhacks.com日期:2023-06-28 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
在进行购买 济南铜门的时候,我们也有一些疑问是,当铜门中的铜与空气中氧化之后会出现什么情况呢?出现这种情况的原因下又会发生哪些现象呢?透过现象看本质,让我们一起去了解一下在进行使用的时候铜门与氧气结合的情况下被氧化了之后会变成什么现象吧!
When purchasing Jinan Copper Door, we also have some questions about what happens when the copper in the door oxidizes with the air? What are the reasons for this situation? Looking at the essence through phenomena, let's understand what happens when copper doors are oxidized when combined with oxygen during use!
The copper door is made of copper plate, which is blackened and Autoxidation through a unique method. The copper door is then manually wiped off the black bit by bit until the color we want, then treated with anti-oxidation treatment, and then covered with protective varnish. Because the color of the copper door is a change of the color of the copper plate itself, the luster of the copper door cannot be achieved by any other metal.
In this way, we can understand that due to the material of the copper door itself, its maintenance is very important. If the protective varnish on the surface of the copper door falls off, the copper plates inside will be exposed, and if the copper plates come into contact with oxygen in the air for a long time, oxidation reaction will occur, affecting the aesthetics of the door.
It is important to maintain the integrity of the exterior of the copper door to prevent collisions and impacts. Generally, high-end products in copper doors are expensive, and copper door manufacturers also need to be extra careful when using them. In the ordinary maintenance of copper doors, we can use dry towels to clean them.
Detergents containing chemicals that can damage the paint protective layer cannot be used for cleaning. When opening and closing copper doors, we also need to be slow to largely avoid collisions between the copper door and other objects, which can cause damage to the protective layer of the copper door. In daily maintenance, it is also necessary to prevent some oxidizing substances from damaging the surface and causing corrosion of the copper door.
我们在使用铜门的时候也要注意对铜门进行保养,这样可以延长铜门的使用寿命。更多相关事项就来我们网站 //www.amishhacks.com咨询!
When using copper doors, we should also pay attention to maintaining them, which can extend their service life. For more related matters, come to our website // consulting service
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