当前所在位置:首页>>常见问题安装庭院铜门时一定要注意的五大细节! 常见问题


来源: //www.amishhacks.com日期:2023-06-09 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
At present, courtyard copper doors have received widespread attention and application in home decoration. Due to the gradual improvement of people's living standards and the strengthening of their quality of life, although villa courtyard copper doors are relatively expensive, they are still accepted by many consumers. Because courtyard copper doors not only have a beautiful and atmospheric appearance, but also have particularly high safety performance, they have always been loved by consumers. However, the installation process of courtyard copper doors should pay attention to the following aspects.
1. The paint on the surface of the courtyard copper door has a good protective effect on the material inside the courtyard copper door. If there are scratches or even peeling off on the surface paint, the raw materials will be exposed to the outside for a long time, which will react with the oxygen in the air and rust, affecting the aesthetics. Therefore, during use, it is strictly prohibited for hard or sharp objects to collide with the courtyard copper door.
2、 济南铜门厂家提醒您,严禁高氧化性,强腐蚀性化学品直接接触庭院铜门。若不慎将化学品接触到庭院铜门表面时,请立即用清水冲洗干净,并用棉布将水擦干,之后用清洁剂喷涂于庭院铜门表面进行清洁保养。
2. Jinan copper door manufacturer reminds you that it is strictly prohibited to directly contact high oxidizing and corrosive chemicals with courtyard copper doors. If chemicals accidentally come into contact with the surface of the courtyard copper door, please immediately rinse it with clean water, wipe it dry with a cotton cloth, and then spray cleaning agent on the surface of the courtyard copper door for cleaning and maintenance.
3. During the decoration process, do not rush to remove the coated paper to avoid product damage, as chemicals such as cement and paint that fall on the courtyard copper door during painting can easily cause black spots or rust on the courtyard copper door; The lower frame should also be protected by U-shaped grooves made of wooden boards. If your wall needs to be cleaned, please make sure to seal and protect the courtyard copper door with plastic film before cleaning the wall. Chemical agents used for cleaning the wall, especially marble walls, such as oxalic acid, can seriously damage the product. Therefore, such substances should be strictly prohibited from coming into contact with the surface of the courtyard copper door.
4. Do not use excessive force to open and close the door leaf, and do not forcibly open the door leaf.
本产品应尽量避免受到雨淋和阳光直接照射,否则会缩短庭院铜门外观使用寿命。如果庭院铜门安装后可能受到雨淋或阳光直接照射,建议客户安装雨棚来保护庭院铜门,尽量延长其使用寿命。更多相关的事项就来我们网站 //www.amishhacks.com咨询!
This product should be avoided from direct exposure to rain and sunlight as much as possible, otherwise it will shorten the appearance and service life of the courtyard copper door. If the courtyard copper door may be exposed to rain or direct sunlight after installation, it is recommended that customers install a canopy to protect the courtyard copper door and extend its service life as much as possible. For more related matters, come to our website // consulting service
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