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来源: //www.amishhacks.com日期:2023-06-05 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
工程铜门由于其良好的外观和耐用的特性受到不少家庭的喜爱,那么,你知道工程铜门应该怎样安装吗?先是确定工程铜门的尺寸了,其次安装工程铜门前要提前在墙上打好门洞。然后准备好各种工具材料就可以进行安装了。接下来就和 山东铜门厂家一起看下工程铜门的三种安装方法吧。
Engineering copper doors are loved by many families due to their good appearance and durability. Do you know how to install engineering copper doors? Firstly, the size of the engineering copper door has been determined. Secondly, before installing the engineering copper door, it is necessary to make the door hole on the wall in advance. Then prepare various tools and materials for installation. Next, let's take a look at the three installation methods for engineering copper doors with Shandong copper door manufacturers.
1、 General installation methods for engineering copper doors
1. Measure whether the specifications of the openings are equal. If it is smaller than the specification of the engineering copper door, the skin should be removed.
2. The engineering copper door should be leveled according to the position of the opening, and the four installation holes of the door frame should be drilled with M12 drill bits, fixed with M12 bolts, and then adjusted.
3. Adjustment method: Using the outside of the door leaf as the reference plane, check whether the door frame is parallel to the door leaf after installation. If the door frame is not parallel to the door leaf, add a wooden pad on the back of the door frame near the screw position until the door leaf is parallel.
2、 Filling cement method for installation of copper doors in engineering
1. Because the door frame of the engineering copper door is hollow, in order to make the engineering copper door more secure, it is necessary to fill the hollow part of the door frame with cement. Before filling the cement, close the door properly. Please note that paper pads should be added between the door frame and the door leaf on the opening surface of the door leaf.
2. Do not overfill with cement, otherwise it will deform the door frame and affect the use and opening of the door.
3. After 24 hours of filling with cement, remove the paper pad, gently open the door leaf, use a screwdriver to scrape the cement from the drilled area inside the frame, and then cover the installation hole.
4. If the box is not filled with cement, it will affect its functionality and the consequences will be borne by oneself.
3、 Install engineering copper doors using installation plates
1. Remove the door leaf, place the door frame into the door opening, and use a level ruler to plumb it to check if it is placed smoothly. If it is not flat, use a wooden pad to level it.
2. First, use one side of the inner door as the reference edge, rotate the mounting plate on the door frame reinforcement to be perpendicular to the door frame, then bend the mounting plate and fix it to the wall with cement nails.
3. Cover the inner door with the frame and lock it, while ensuring flatness, successively fix the side mounting plates of the inner door lock to the wall.
4. Use the same method to cover the outer door frame and fix the installation plate.
5. Check whether the inner and outer door switches are flexible. If there are any abnormalities, wooden blocks can be inserted for further adjustment.
6. Insert wooden pieces at the gaps between the door frame and the wall to make the door frame stable. Then pour cement mortar into the door frame, solidify and dry the cement mortar, and remove the wooden pieces outside the door joint before using the door function. However, try to open the door less frequently and with less force within 24 hours.
工程铜门的三种安装方法具体内容就讲解到这里了,希望能够给您好的帮助,更多事项就来我们网站 //www.amishhacks.com留言咨询吧!
That's all for the specific content of the three installation methods for engineering copper doors. We hope to provide you with good help. For more information, please come to our website // Leave a message for consultation!
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