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来源: //www.amishhacks.com日期:2023-05-29 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
现在市面上的自动门种类繁多,自动门安装复杂。了解自动门的安装,有助于你选择自动门。接下来, 山东铜门厂家小编将为您详细介绍自动门的安装步骤。
There are various types of automatic doors on the market now, and the installation of automatic doors is complex. Understanding the installation of automatic doors can help you choose automatic doors. Next, the editor of Shandong copper door manufacturer will provide you with a detailed introduction to the installation steps of automatic doors.
1. When an automatic door needs to be installed at the entrance of a certain building, the responsible party will search online or through other channels for the information and company that needs to install the automatic door. Call to inquire about the brand of the automatic door to be installed, the size of the door opening, and the actual situation on site.
2. The automatic door company will send business and engineering personnel to the site to measure dimensions and inspect the actual situation, and negotiate specific plans with the responsible party.
3. The business personnel of the automatic door company will draw a CAD design diagram of the automatic door and make a detailed quotation plan, which will be sent to the responsible party for review. When the responsible party believes that everything is okay, the company's business personnel will sign an automatic door installation and debugging contract with the responsible party. After the contract is signed, the company's engineering personnel will begin the preparation work for automatic door accessories, such as ordering glass, stainless steel, and other accessories.
4. After all the equipment is ready, the engineering personnel of the automatic door company begin to enter the construction site. Firstly, install the track for the automatic door. If you want to firmly install the track on the supporting iron frame, if necessary, burn a gantry frame on the door opening and fix it on the door opening to better install the track for the automatic door. The material of this door frame should be based on the door opening. When installing the gantry, it is necessary to be vertical, horizontal, and firm, and the plane of the installation track must be flat to ensure that the track is installed in a horizontal and vertical state. During installation, professional level measuring instruments are usually used to assist in this work.
5. After installing the track, the specific size of the door body can be accurately determined. If aluminum alloy frame or stainless steel frame is used, the size will be adjusted according to the different brands of automatic doors. After the completion of the automatic door body, company personnel should bring their valid documents, equipment kits, and other accessories to the site for installation, which takes approximately 1-2 working days.
6. After all accessories of the automatic door are installed, immediately carry out automatic door debugging. General automatic door debugging includes the speed, slow speed, slow distance, etc. of the automatic door. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to whether other accessories are working properly, including automatic door locks, access control card readers, fingerprint machines, safety eyes, etc.
安装自动门只需要六个步骤,但是自动门的安装还是比较复杂的。毕竟很多人对其中涉及的很多知识和原理都不够了解,所以建议由人员进行安装测试。还有什么事项就来我们网站 //www.amishhacks.com咨询!
Installing an automatic door only requires six steps, but the installation of an automatic door is still quite complex. After all, many people are not familiar with many of the knowledge and principles involved, so it is recommended to have professional personnel conduct installation testing. If there are any other matters, please come to our website // consulting service
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