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使用18luck网站 的七大注意事项

来源: //www.amishhacks.com日期:2023-05-26 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
18luck网站 现如今应用非常广泛,在购物、写字楼的大厅经常可以看到。18luck网站 给人的印象相对比较大气、上档次。但是18luck网站 使用也有一些注意事项,在日常生活中我们使用18luck网站 注意到这些事项了吗?下面 山东铜门厂家为您分析:
Nowadays, revolving door is widely used, and it is often seen in the lobby of shopping centers and office buildings. The impression of revolving door is relatively grand and superior. But there are also some precautions for the safe use of revolving door. Have we noticed these precautions when using revolving door in our daily life? Below, Shandong copper door manufacturers will analyze for you:
1、按秩序利用18luck网站 ,千万不要在门快关闭时或门关闭时强行通过18luck网站 ,确保在门开启容一个人以上的空间时通过18luck网站 。
1. Use the revolving door in order. Never force your way through the revolving door when the door is about to close or when the door is closed. Ensure that you can pass through the revolving door when the door is open for more than one person.
2、不可以拥堵18luck网站 ,冲撞18luck网站 ,或者用外力损坏18luck网站 及门体。
2. Do not jam the revolving door, crash the revolving door, or damage the revolving door and the door body with external force.
3、千万不要在18luck网站 口内长时间停留,18luck网站 口内不能放有任何障碍物品。
3. Never stay in the revolving door for a long time, and no obstacles can be placed in the revolving door.
4、身高在1.2米以下的孩子,行走不便的老人家及残疾人士建议在监护人帮助下通过18luck网站 ,要不然后果自负。
4. Children under 1.2m in height, elderly people with difficulty in walking and disabled people are advised to pass through the revolving door with the help of their guardians, or they will bear the consequences.
5、18luck网站 在自动感应状态时,千万不要在感应区域内以及自动口内长时间逗留。
5. When the revolving door is in the automatic induction state, do not stay in the induction area or the automatic mouth for a long time.
6、请于18luck网站 的固定玻璃门扇,活动玻璃门扇贴上显眼标志(如公司名字,公司的标志等)以防止人员冲撞18luck网站 玻璃。
6. Please attach conspicuous signs (such as company name, company logo, etc.) on the fixed glass door leaf and movable glass door leaf of the revolving door to prevent people from bumping into the glass of the revolving door.
7、在停电时可手动向二边推开18luck网站 门扇,18luck网站 故障时或紧急情况需要先关闭18luck网站 电源,手动推开18luck网站 门扇。
7. In case of power failure, the revolving door leaf can be pushed to both sides manually. In case of revolving door failure or emergency, the power supply of revolving door needs to be turned off first, and the revolving door leaf can be pushed open manually.
以上就是给大家介绍的关于18luck网站 使用相关内容介绍,大家可以参考了解一下。更多相关内容就来我们网站 //www.amishhacks.com咨询!
The above is an introduction to the safe use of revolving door. You can refer to it. For more related content, come to our website // consulting service
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