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来源: //www.amishhacks.com日期:2023-05-17 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
好的铝艺庭院大门已经选购到家了,安装又是大问题,铝艺庭院大门再好,安装出现问题也是很难补救的,安装用对方法,不只省时省力,安装起来更是质量好,使用寿命大大增加,下面 济南铜门厂家来讲讲安装铝艺庭院大门要注意的问题!
A good aluminum art courtyard gate has been purchased at home, and installation is a big problem. Even if the aluminum art courtyard gate is good, it is difficult to remedy any installation problems. Using the right method for installation not only saves time and effort, but also has good quality and greatly increased service life. Below, Jinan copper door manufacturers will talk about the issues to pay attention to when installing aluminum art courtyard gates!
Inspection to be carried out before installing the aluminum art courtyard gate in home decoration:
① Check the quality issues of the product;
② Measure if the dimensions are correct and if there are any changes from the previous measurements;
③ Check the regularity of the opening, as well as the firmness and adhesive absorption of the wall.
The next step is the installation process of the aluminum courtyard door for home decoration: it is important to check whether all parts and tools are in good condition, whether the dimensions of each component are consistent with the determined ones, and whether the hole size is consistent with the designed aluminum courtyard door size.
① Fix the door frame to ensure that the edges of each frame are vertical and horizontal, and add two reinforcing bars after everything is organized.
② Fixed door frame: Aligning the lock position is crucial. Vertically locate each part of the door and fix it. Secure the three rows of reinforcing bars to the wall in sequence.
Adjust the aluminum art courtyard gate and conduct commissioning after installation
When installing the stainless steel anti-theft home decoration aluminum art courtyard gate, steps ① and ② can be combined into one step and fixed directly with explosive screws.
③ Debugging: Open and close the door several times to see how the user experience is. If there are any problems, fix them. This stage is to make small-scale adjustments. Corrections should be made early and the position should be adjusted continuously to achieve the desired level.
④ Cementing: Open small holes and use an impact drill to punch them. Pour cement into the frame from these holes until the entire frame is filled before stopping. This is the key to determining the firmness. It is important to practice good operation on your own, not only to ensure the firmness but also to make the door frame closely connected to the wall.
⑤ Decorate the wall: At this stage, the installation is basically completed. Our main task is to fill in the uneven areas, color them appropriately, and then match the surface with paint, strong paper, or ceramic tiles that are consistent with the surrounding area.
以上是小编对安装铝艺庭院大门要注意的问题讲解,大家都了解了吗?随着目前铝艺庭院大门逐步流行起来,越来越多的产品涌入市场,大家一定要认真选择,挑选到真正适合的产品。更多相关事项就来我们网站 //www.amishhacks.com咨询!
The above is the editor's explanation of the issues to pay attention to when installing aluminum art courtyard doors. Have you all understood? With the gradual popularity of aluminum courtyard doors, more and more products are entering the market. Everyone must carefully choose and choose the truly suitable products. For more related matters, come to our website // consulting service
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