当前所在位置:首页>>常见问题工程铜门与庭院铜门的区别 常见问题


来源: //www.amishhacks.com日期:2023-05-03 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
工程铜门指使用高品质铜材料制作的门,具有耐腐蚀、防火、防爆等特点,适用于建筑、、酒店等场所。工程铜门不仅具有美观的外观,还具有较高的性和使用寿命,通常需要经过多道工艺制作。那么工程铜门与庭院铜门的区别主要集中哪里呢?下面 济南铜门厂家为您分析:
Engineering copper doors refer to doors made of high-quality copper materials, which have characteristics such as corrosion resistance, fire prevention, and explosion prevention, and are suitable for high-end buildings, shopping malls, hotels, and other places. Engineering copper doors not only have a beautiful appearance, but also have high safety and service life, usually requiring multiple processes for production. So what are the main differences between engineering copper doors and courtyard copper doors? Below, Jinan copper door manufacturer will analyze for you:
Design, manufacturing process, and size. Design difference: Engineering copper doors are mainly designed and manufactured for architectural purposes, so they need to conform to the overall style and design requirements of the building. And courtyard copper doors are mostly designed to beautify the visual effect of the courtyard, so their design may be more inclined towards decoration and artistic sense.
Different production processes: Engineering copper doors usually adopt industrial production methods, using machines for processing and production to ensure their quality and production efficiency. The courtyard copper doors are mostly handmade, relying on the craftsmanship and experience of craftsmen, and emphasizing the artistic and personalized nature of the production.
Different sizes: The size of engineering copper doors is usually larger because it needs to meet the overall needs and visual effects of the construction project. The size of courtyard copper doors is relatively small, and they are usually designed according to the actual usage needs of the courtyard to fit different sizes of courtyards.
The manufacturing process of copper doors is delicate, and may require casting and polishing on the door, followed by carving and processing to present exquisite patterns and decorations, as well as high-quality durability.
In addition, copper doors can also be customized with accessories according to user needs, such as lock cores, door handles, door bells, etc. When using copper doors, it is necessary to pay attention to preventing corrosion and scratches, regularly use copper cleaning agents for cleaning, and use appropriate care products for maintenance to maintain the beauty and durability of the copper doors.
综上所述,工程铜门和庭院铜门虽然都是采用铜材制作的门,但在设计、制作工艺和尺寸大小上有明显的区别。还有什么不了解的或者有什么需求,都可以随时来咨询联系我们 //
In summary, although both engineering copper doors and courtyard copper doors are made of copper materials, there are significant differences in design, manufacturing process, and size. If you have any questions or needs, feel free to contact us at any time // !
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