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来源: //www.amishhacks.com日期:2023-04-17 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
Copper doors are one of the ideal door panels in the home decoration market today, because of their stylish and atmospheric appearance, which can highlight profound connotations. Jiujiang copper doors also have high safety, which can protect the safety of a family. Moreover, copper, a metal with strong stability, is not easy to corrode, and therefore has a longer service life without deformation or cracking.
The appearance of Shandong copper doors is also full of changes, with various exquisite production techniques such as relief and hollowing on the surface, which can effectively decorate the overall effect. Generally, copper doors are equipped with high-tech locks, so they have excellent anti-theft functions.
The size of copper doors is very important, and if not selected properly, it may lead to a smooth installation. Generally speaking, copper doors with double doors are around 16 to 17m, which is a relatively standard size for Ji'an copper doors. The door leaf is 800mm, and the two leaves are 1600mm. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the thickness of the frame and the required gap for installation.
After determining the size of the door panel, it is necessary to pay attention to checking the quality, otherwise it may lead to continuous problems in future use. When choosing, you can consider the following aspects.
Pay attention to checking the performance of the door lock. If you want to have more safety, you can choose an anti drilling lock head. When the drill bit enters the lock hole, the lock head will rotate with the drill bit, so that the lock head will not be damaged. The lock of copper doors must require a three directional locking structure, with three hinges for a single door and six hinges for a double door. The door leaf and frame are equipped with a hidden lock, and even if the hinge is chiseled off, the door cannot be opened.
Secondly, it is necessary to check the manufacturing process of the door panel, paying attention to whether the welding and connections are firm, whether there are open welds, missed welds, slag inclusions, and other phenomena. It is also necessary to check whether the combination of the door leaf and frame is tight, whether the gap is uniform, and whether the opening and closing of the door panel are smooth and flexible. The manufacturing process is a factor that can reflect the quality of copper doors, so it is necessary to focus on inspection.
For the selection of door panel appearance, there are high, medium, and low grade copper doors in the market, mainly based on the quality of raw materials. Everyone should choose according to their own economic situation and factory decoration effect.
These advantages of copper doors are not naturally formed. What are the issues that people need to pay attention to during the customization process of copper doors?
1. From the perspective of the aesthetics of copper doors, their color, pattern, and decoration process are all key points of concern. A good copper door has a very uniform surface color and clear and natural patterns. Only by achieving these points can its appearance be better.
2. From the practicality of copper doors, the important thing for doors is to ensure safety. Therefore, the focus of the entire door is on the door lock body. When inspecting the copper door in the future, it is necessary to carefully check whether the door lock welding is in place and whether there is any leakage of welding. At the same time, it is also necessary to test whether the opening and closing of the copper door are flexible and tight to avoid affecting the final use effect.
Copper doors are not a fast moving consumer product, and it is important to remember to maintain them regularly during use. When cleaning, neutral cleaning agents should be used to avoid reactions with metals and corrosion of copper doors. At the same time, it is also important to note that copper doors should not be used under humid and high temperature conditions, otherwise they may rust and affect their appearance and normal use.
人们之所以选择铜门厂家定制,必定有其特殊之处,只有在细节上认真考量,才能将它的美观与实用的展现出来。您有需求就来我们网站 //www.amishhacks.com咨询了解吧!
The reason why people choose copper door manufacturers for customization must have its uniqueness. Only by carefully considering the details can its beauty and practicality be perfectly displayed. Come to our website if you have any needs // Consult and understand!
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