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来源: //www.amishhacks.com日期:2022-11-11 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
从外观设计上挑选,市面上的铜门面板材料不同,材质和档次也有比较大的区别,用户可根据自己情况选购自己喜爱的类型。那么工程铜门定做材质如何选择? 济南铜门厂家为您讲解。
Choose from the appearance design. The materials and grades of the copper door panels on the market are different. Users can choose their favorite types according to their own conditions. How to choose the customized materials for engineering copper doors? Jinan copper door manufacturer will explain to you.
From the perspective of process quality, the selection of materials for engineering copper doors is an important factor in the manufacturing process quality. Special attention should be paid to the inspection of whether there are welding defects, such as open welding, lack of welding, missing welding, slag inclusion, etc., to see whether the matching between the door leaf and the door frame is dense, whether the gap is uniform, whether the opening is flexible, whether all joints are foraging, and whether the painting and electroplating of engineering copper doors are uniform, firm, smooth, etc.
Check the performance and structure of the door lock: The door lock is an important part of the copper door, which determines the use effect of the copper door. When purchasing the copper door, you should carefully check the lock, which is also a guarantee for the quality of use.
In addition, the pressure processing and mechanical properties of engineering copper doors are also important factors in the customization selection of engineering copper doors. The copper doors after pressure processing can withstand cold and hot processing. The practice of orderly transformation during medium and low temperature heating shows that the performance of the treated copper doors will be better improved. The mechanical performance was improved, the use value of the copper door was also improved, and the customer's feedback was also good.
从工程铜门的材质质量以及各方面的性能综合考量,选择合适的铜门,如果您对以上问题还有不明白或者有其他的疑问,请关注我们的网站 //,将会为您继续推送相关的信息,希望以上讲述能对您有所帮助。
From the comprehensive consideration of the material quality and all aspects of the performance of the engineering copper door, select the appropriate copper door. If you still do not understand the above issues or have other questions, please follow our website // , will continue to push relevant information for you, and we hope that the above description can help you.
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