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来源: //www.amishhacks.com日期:2022-07-30 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
随着现在人们的物质生活水平日益,过去只有在富贵人家才能看到的铜门,现在也开始出现在普通的家庭当中。你是不是也想要安装一扇铜门来整个装修的气质呢?但是对于大部分普通消费者来说如何才能挑选到令自己满意的铜门他们并不是很清楚。下面 山东铜门小编向大家简单介绍一下选购常识。
With the increasing material living standards of people, copper doors, which used to be seen only in wealthy families, are now beginning to appear in ordinary families. Do you also want to install a copper door to improve the decoration? But for most ordinary consumers, they are not very clear about how to choose a copper door that satisfies them. Next, Shandong Tongmen editor will briefly introduce you to the common sense of purchase.
When purchasing copper doors, we should first pay attention to its quality and performance. How can I buy a good copper door? A good and simple method is to check whether the copper door is qualified with the product issued by the relevant department, and how long it has been produced., As long as it gets the customers' copper doors, they are of good quality. If even these? If yes, it is recommended not to buy.
When buying the copper door, consumers also need to carefully check the manufacturing process of the copper door to see whether there is a concave ground on the surface of the copper door, whether there are scratches on the surface, or whether the surface paint has fallen off. If possible, consumers can tear up the packaging film for careful inspection. You can also knock on the copper door to see if it is solid. A good quality copper door is not a hollow door. The quality of a hollow copper door can't be compared with a solid copper door, and its anti-theft performance? Solid copper door is good.
Consumers should go to several more stores before buying copper doors, and the copper doors of each store should be carefully. For example, the quality of the manufacturing process, the price, the quality of the materials and so on, these factors directly affect which one you choose to buy. When measuring the opening of the copper door, we should also see whether the thickness of the wall is the same, and whether the thickness above the left wall is the same as that on the right. The error thickness of the wall cannot be more than 5mm.
铜门的门洞上面如果有的横梁,?有法进行安装,比须借助于假墙壁才可以。门洞上面是有台阶的,要按照台阶的来进行决定。在测量铜门的时候要注意门打开的向,门的把要设置好。更多相关内容就来我们网站 //www.amishhacks.com进行咨询吧。
If there is a beam on the door opening of the copper door,? If there is a way to install it, you must rely on the false wall. There are steps on the door opening, which should be decided according to the steps. When measuring the copper door, pay attention to the opening direction of the door and set the handle of the door. Come to our website for more relevant content // Consult.
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