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来源: //www.amishhacks.com日期:2020-10-09 发布人:admin浏览次数: 0
Nowadays, copper doors are more and more widely used. However, in the process of use, often wipe, do not let the above covered with dust, improve the corrosion resistance of the copper door. So, how to keep the luster of Shandong Tongmen?
1. First of all, the frame surface of the copper door shall be degreased, rusted and other operations, and then cleaned with water. If these works are not done, the copper door will easily have the phenomenon of skin explosion and rust in the use process, which will affect the beauty and service life of the copper door.
2. Pickling, polishing and then washing. Many copper door manufacturers use the pickling and polishing solution for copper materials in this process. Because the use of this solvent to polish the process parts of the copper door can make the surface of the copper door more glossy. The copper door looks more bright. Then, the coloring effect of the copper door is carried out. The specific process can be operated according to the requirements, and the workpiece can be put into the working solution About 2 minutes later, the color of brass turns black and blue, which is far enough. We should continue to soak. With the increase of time, the color of bronze can achieve good effect after soaking for about half an hour. When the color is not satisfied, increase the soaking time until the satisfactory thickness of color change layer is achieved.
Tongmen, Shandong
3. Take out the copper door workpiece and put it in a dry place to dry naturally.
In the whole process, the operator needs to operate: the polishing and coloring solution is corrosive, wear protective equipment during operation, and do not splash it into the skin when soaking the workpiece. Once it is accidentally splashed on the body, clean the skin surface with water in time to clean the solution; as the copper door of the solution is volatile, the polishing and coloring place should be set in a well ventilated place In the environment, avoid direct sunlight, and keep away from fire sources; copper doors in scrubbing, ventilation, there are needs to pay attention to, together with other parts of the house decoration, do not affect the use of copper doors.
Copper door manufacturer
After drying, brush the door with black matt paint, but don't paint everything black. At the same time, it can't be too regular. This is a common method of imitating copper. Now domestic copper door manufacturers usually use acid pickling and phosphating process before coating the anti-theft door, because the anti-theft copper door is very complex in structure, and generally uses heat Pipe binding, hot-rolled plate, forging and cold plate are welded together, so it is difficult to spray it. Therefore, it is very important to remove oil and rust before painting. If this step is not done well, the paint on the copper door will fall off after a period of time, which will affect the beauty of the copper door 。
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